Friday, May 20, 2011

Difference between Oracle Database Crash and Oracle Instance Crash both in Standalone and RAC Environment


  Instance Crash Database Crash
RAC Instance and DB crash are different.

In RAC, there is not a single instance mounting the database. It's always more than one. Now, as long as you have at least one instance up and running and have the db opened via it, the other instance's crash is called instance crash only.
If all the instances of the cluster get crashed, it eventually would mean that the db has to go down , this would be called database crash.

Stand alone Instance and DB crash are same Instance and DB crash is one because, there would be just a single instance linked with a database. So if that crashes, you would have the db going down, aka, getting crashed as well.
Definition An instance crash will therefore mean that the crash occurs in the instance due to an Oracle bug or similar. In other words a s/w error and not a database error Database crash means that the database itself is damaged in some way. A disk is no more. Data files are corrupted. Etc. The database itself thus causes the crash - and a database crash will also cause all database instances (RAC or single) for that database to crash too.

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