Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Steps to set database on flashback mode in RAC for Oracle 11g


---- Check if flashback on?

SELECT flashback_on, log_mode
FROM v$database;

--- Check for Flashback Parameters existing

set linesize 121
col name format a30
col value format a30

SELECT name, value
FROM gv$parameter
WHERE name LIKE '%flashback%';

---- Stop the RAC Database , it will stop all the instances of the DB

srvctl stop database -d sfodb

--- Start the DB in mount state

srvctl start instance -d sfodb -i sfo38u1 -o mount 

-- Set the Flashback on

alter database flashback on;

--- Open the database

alter database open;

--- Start the remaining instances of the RAC

srvctl start instance -d sfodb -i sfo38u2 -o mount exclusive

-- Verify the flashback settings

select INST_ID,Name, FLASHBACK_ON from gv$database;

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