Session Count
SQL> SELECT a.inst_id, COUNT (1) "Session Count" FROM sys.gv_$session a GROUP BY a.inst_id SQL> / INST_ID Session Count ---------- ------------- 1 67 2 105
Long Operation – Time Remaining is greater than Zero.
SQL> l SELECT * FROM sys.gv_$session_longops WHERE TIME_REMAINING > 0
SELECT job, SUBSTR (what, 1, 30), schema_user, last_date, next_date, broken, NVL2 (this_date, 'Y', 'N') running FROM dba_jobs s ORDER BY schema_user, last_date |
Buffer Gets
Replace the v.sql text with the frequent SQL statements important to your application.
SELECT v.inst_id, ROUND (v.buffer_gets / v.executions, 1) avggets, v.executions, v.module, SUBSTR (v.sql_text, 1, 60) querysql FROM sys.gv_$sql v WHERE v.buffer_gets > 0 AND v.executions > 0 AND v.executions IS NOT NULL AND DECODE (executions, 0, NULL, (v.buffer_gets / v.executions)) > 10 AND (v.sql_text LIKE 'FROM TBL_ABC%' OR v.sql_text LIKE 'FROM TBL_XYZ%') ORDER BY v.inst_id, avggets DESC; |
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