Friday, October 14, 2011

Moving Data files Between ASM Disk Groups


Method 1: Using RMAN

Step 1: Start RMAN and connect to the target database.

$ rman target /

Step 2: Generate a report that shows the names of the datafiles.


Step 3:  Back up the datafile to the new ASM disk group.

RMAN> BACKUP AS COPY DATAFILE '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421' FORMAT '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01';

Step 4:  Bring the Datafile Offline
alter database datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421' offline

Step 5: Point the control file to the newly created copy of the datafile

RMAN> SWITCH DATAFILE '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421' TO COPY;

Step 6:  Recover the renamed datafile
RMAN> recover datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767';

Step 7. Bring the datafile online.
alter database datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767' online

Step 8. Delete the old datafile
RMAN>DELETE DATAFILECOPY “DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421”


Method 2: Using ASMCMD CP ( Copy ) Command

Step 1: Start RMAN and connect to the target database.

$ rman target /

Step 2: Generate a report that shows the names of the datafiles.


Step 3:  Bring the Datafile Offline
alter database datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421' offline

Step 4:  Connect to ASMCMD and use CP to copy files
$ asmcmd –p

ASMCMD [+] > cp +DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421 +DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01

Step 5:  After copied datafile, then rename file in database.  With ASM(OMF) this delete old datafile.

alter database rename file '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421'  to '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767'

Step 6:  Recover the renamed datafile
RMAN> recover datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767';

Step 7. Bring the datafile online.
alter database datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767' online

Step 8: Verify the file name

Method 3:  Using RMAN Copy

Step 1:  Restrict the Session
ALTER SYSTEM enable restricted session;

Step 2:   Bring the Datafile Offline

alter database datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421' offline

Step 3: Start RMAN and connect to the target database.

$ rman target /

Step 4:  RMAN Copy datafile
RMAN> copy datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421' to '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01';

Step 5:  After copied datafile, then rename file in database.  With ASM(OMF) this delete old datafile.

alter database rename file '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_FLASH_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.290.709985421'  to '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767'

Step 6:  Recover the renamed datafile
RMAN> recover datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767';

Step 7. Bring the datafile online.
alter database datafile '+DG_DEVSYS_mydb1_DATA_01/mydb1/datafile/data01.272.764459767' online

Step 8: Verify the file name

Step 9: Disable the Restricted Session

ALTER SYSTEM disable restricted session;

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